... was my official first day running with the track team! Yay me, lol. Hey! I'm sore, but FINALLY glad to be running. It's what I do. Anywho... if you didn't know, now you know! I'm BLOGGER OF THE WEEK! Once again.. yay me! But enough about me and my blessings, how are you? How was your break? (If you had one.) Well mine was fairly relaxing. I went home, got a home cooked meal and hung out with my family. Hey! Life is great, lol smiley face!
So... I guess today, hold up... what time is it (looks at clock)? 7:15p... I mean tonight... I want to talk with you about getting involved! Now I know not everyone is a people person like myself, but wherever you decide to attend college (which I HIGHLY encourage) get involved! Become active in a sport, academic club, or chess (if that's your thing) lol. DO IT!
Don't be afraid to break out of that shell you're hiding behind (if your shy) and become an active student and/or member on campus or the community. Take me for example... I'm in the gospel choir (Worship and Praise Inspirational Mass Choir), freshman blog (whoo), the track team (ooh ooh) and Victorious Praise Students for Christ campus ministry.
Now... you don't have to be in as many things as myself, but at least do a little somethin' somethin'. Make a difference in someone's life! I personally wanted to become more in tune with my spiritual side such as, attending church on the regular basis and praising the Lord at choir rehearsal. As well as... my physical side, doing something I enjoy and working hard everyday to become a better athlete. I've been running track since middle and throughout high school year.
I'm fast, almost like Road Runner and speedy Gonzales (the little mouse). All I'm saying is try! If not for me or ya me ma or ya lil cousin Ray Ray (lol smiley face) do it for YOU!
"...and with that said... what's done is done." - Macbeth
I'm about to go hop in the shower (to soak my bunions, jk. I don't have bunions haha), study, complete some more assignments, relax, and reflect on today's events.
Later cool cats!