Gosh! It has been a minute, howa are you guys? I hope well, me on the other hand haha.. whoo I don't even know where to begin! I have been extremely busy and there aren't enough words to express how sorry I am for not checking in with my blog as much as I should.
Anyhow... the topic I wanted to talk about today is being tired!
The topic I want to talk about today is being tired! In my Health book, I read that "collge students are notorious for staying up late to study and socialize during the week and sleepin in on the weekends. Only 11% of college students report good quality sleep, while 30% suffer chronic sleep difficulites." I totally agree with this statistic because I myself have pulled an all-nighter then felt drowsy in class the next day.
I, Ashley Alston, a college freshman is here to tell you... that when you get into college, don't get caught up so much in your social life (READ CAREFULLY: I am NOT telling you to not have one, I want you to have a life outside of your school work) but manage your time wisely. Time Management! (Read below) It's important that you get ample amount of rest to be able to stay up in class and just be vivacious (A new word I learned; it relates to my mood.. most days.) throughout your day!
But.. anyway.. go to bed, please please manage your time wisely and most importantly do your work.. OH and go to class!
P.S. Check out my road runner video. I've been feeling like him the most this entire week.
Ashley, Balance is the key word. Pray for balance. Even most good things will harm you if not kept in balance.