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Monday, November 16, 2009

Fighting is NOT the answer and a very BIG NO-NO in college!

So.. I know I said I wouldn't be back for another twenty years (just kidding) to blog, but the Lord encouraged me to speak upon a situation a close friend of mine is in. So here goes... (gonna need an entire paragraph for this one)

I have a friend that participates in a sport here at NCCU and he isn't very fond of a particular male on the team. The reason being is because of something the guy said to him at practice which eventually escalated into an argument and somewhat got out of hand (or whatever). Now! My friend wants to set him straight, because the guy is (apparently) going around saying he hit (my friend) him in the face a couple times when they got into the argument. Ok! WHO CARES what the boy said?

Like.. let's think logically.. here's my thing.. my mom has always told me (even to this day) people are going to talk, gossip etc. about you until the day you die. Why jeopardize your future over something so petty or what someone supposedly said (that's probably NOT even true)? 95% of the rumors people spread aren't told correctly from when it was "originally spoken." Someone either didn't understand what they were being told and spread to another person the WRONG information or put their own little twist on the story/rumor.

And.. another thing.. fighting is NOT TOLERATED on NCCU campus (or any other collegiate campus for that matter). I don't care if you do it behind closed doors, its still against the rules! I was informed that anyone attemmpting to fight will be taken downtown (to the po-po station) to be charged! So the question I have to my young readers, viewers etc. is.. is fighting worth getting taken downtown? Is figthing worth risking your future in a sport your really good at? And lastly, is it worth your time? The answer is NO!

NO, NO, NO! People refuse to use their brains! I'm sure the good Lord above wouldn't have blessed us with one, if he didn't think we would need or use it! Be the bigger, maturer young adult by forgetting about the situation and ignoring the person!

Anyway.. my friend didn't care about my opionion on the situation, but you also can't make people change their mind about what they want to do. So in conclusion, when it comes to solving the issues or problems you encounter (throughout life), violence is not the answer.

Make love, not war.

Later cool cats.


Apology accepted?

Ok.. so once again.. I want to apologize (I know this is like my tweninth time apologizing), because I haven't been blogging as much as I should but.. you gotta understand.. between running track (my job), maintaining my school work (full time student--oh yea!), and singing with the choir. I have got A LOT on my plate! And yes.. I'm still alive and doing well! But for real.. all I'm asking is that you guys work with me.. alright?! Ok? Cool!

Anyway.. how are you? I hope well. What about your weekend? Ok cool, mine went well too. How about your Veteran's Day off? Can you believe we didn't have the day off! Plus.. it was raining like crazy! But Lord was I estatic when the sun came back out. The sun always makes me happy! I've been compared to the sun. Bright, warm and bouncy! Well.. I'm not sure if the sun is bouncy, but in my world it is lol! I think you'd agree though.

But.. I have some work I need to complete before (track) practice, so I'll talk to you guys later. Stay smart!

Later cool cats!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


... was my official first day running with the track team! Yay me, lol. Hey! I'm sore, but FINALLY glad to be running. It's what I do. Anywho... if you didn't know, now you know! I'm BLOGGER OF THE WEEK! Once again.. yay me! But enough about me and my blessings, how are you? How was your break? (If you had one.) Well mine was fairly relaxing. I went home, got a home cooked meal and hung out with my family. Hey! Life is great, lol smiley face!

So... I guess today, hold up... what time is it (looks at clock)? 7:15p... I mean tonight... I want to talk with you about getting involved! Now I know not everyone is a people person like myself, but wherever you decide to attend college (which I HIGHLY encourage) get involved! Become active in a sport, academic club, or chess (if that's your thing) lol. DO IT!

Don't be afraid to break out of that shell you're hiding behind (if your shy) and become an active student and/or member on campus or the community. Take me for example... I'm in the gospel choir (Worship and Praise Inspirational Mass Choir), freshman blog (whoo), the track team (ooh ooh) and Victorious Praise Students for Christ campus ministry.

Now... you don't have to be in as many things as myself, but at least do a little somethin' somethin'. Make a difference in someone's life! I personally wanted to become more in tune with my spiritual side such as, attending church on the regular basis and praising the Lord at choir rehearsal. As well as... my physical side, doing something I enjoy and working hard everyday to become a better athlete. I've been running track since middle and throughout high school year.

I'm fast, almost like Road Runner and speedy Gonzales (the little mouse). All I'm saying is try! If not for me or ya me ma or ya lil cousin Ray Ray (lol smiley face) do it for YOU!

"...and with that said... what's done is done." - Macbeth

I'm about to go hop in the shower (to soak my bunions, jk. I don't have bunions haha), study, complete some more assignments, relax, and reflect on today's events.

Later cool cats!


Friday, October 9, 2009

Road Runner "meep, meep!"

Gosh! It has been a minute, howa are you guys? I hope well, me on the other hand haha.. whoo I don't even know where to begin! I have been extremely busy and there aren't enough words to express how sorry I am for not checking in with my blog as much as I should.

Anyhow... the topic I wanted to talk about today is being tired!

The topic I want to talk about today is being tired! In my Health book, I read that "collge students are notorious for staying up late to study and socialize during the week and sleepin in on the weekends. Only 11% of college students report good quality sleep, while 30% suffer chronic sleep difficulites." I totally agree with this statistic because I myself have pulled an all-nighter then felt drowsy in class the next day.

I, Ashley Alston, a college freshman is here to tell you... that when you get into college, don't get caught up so much in your social life (READ CAREFULLY: I am NOT telling you to not have one, I want you to have a life outside of your school work) but manage your time wisely. Time Management! (Read below) It's important that you get ample amount of rest to be able to stay up in class and just be vivacious (A new word I learned; it relates to my mood.. most days.) throughout your day!

But.. anyway.. go to bed, please please manage your time wisely and most importantly do your work.. OH and go to class!


P.S. Check out my road runner video. I've been feeling like him the most this entire week.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Student First!

OMG! I have been so busy! From choir rehersal with WPI (NCCU) gospel choir, making sure everything is straight with my Clearing House status for track (so that I can possibly run this year), working on a display board for Victorious Praise Students for Christ that will be displayed in the Career Job Fair coming up in October to maintain my blog along with my school work. Can you say time management?

I need to o read my own blog lol, but before I begin I want to apologize... I'm sorry you guys! Have no fear.. Ashley is here!

So.. last weekend was pretty amazing.. hold on.. idk what I did.. hmmm.. give me a minute (having a moment)... ok so since I can't remember the weekend before last, this past weekend, I went to the Morehead VS NCCU game! We lost..

unfortunately by three points. I enjoyed spending time with my mom and little brother. My suite mates and I went shopping for our living room, which was oodles of fun! Overall, family weekend was great! Track is coming along well! I don't know if I told you but I'm O--ficially on the track team! (I know right, sooo awesome) I haven't started running yet, but I can't wait to get on the track and begin training.

Anyway my point of this blog is to reassure and inform you to be a student FIRST! Always! No matter what club, sport or any other activity you decide to participate in. Striving for your degree and a successful future is important.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Time Management

Hey you guys! How's it going?

I first off want to say, I had t-h-e best weekend last week. So... Friday, I did nothing but school work... Saturday, I did the same thing... besides having the best date ever (that night)! (Whom picked me up in an H3, along with taking me to a fancy restuarant)

Hey, it's not everyday you get to wine and dine with a handsome fellow opening your car door and just being an absolute gentleman! Smiley face! Then Sunday... I spent half of my day at church worshipping the good Lord above! Don't even get me started on how much and many times he has blessed me lol, but overall it was the cherry on top of a sundae for my weekend!

Now enough abot me, what about you? How was your weekend? Please, please, please feel free to leave me comments. I'd love to get some feedback! So anyhow... I want to apologize to all my blog fans (If there are any out there.. yoo whoo?) for not updating you on recent events as much as I should. It's simply because always busy with working on assignments and just staying on top of things, that I can hardly make time in my hectic schedule for doing something I enjoy.. talking of course (duh)! (:

I feel like blogging gives me the chance to come, get away from the dorm and just talk about anything, well not just anything (insider--Mr. Brain) hehehe. :D Anyway.. back to my next subject that came to mind as I was typing--time management! I think the Lord wants me to speak on time management, "can I get an Amen?" I said, "can I get an Amen?" "AMEN!"

Ok! My personal definition of time management is being able to manage your schedule wisely. Such as, distinguishing the difference between what you need to do rather than what you want to do. For example, if you have a three page paper due for your English class; but heard about this party (everyone's supposedly going to) taking place at the Union. What would be the logical decision to make? Go to the party, where irresponsible activity may take place (such as; drinking, smoking and careless behavior, etc.) ignoring your priorities or stay in your dorm (like the good student I know your destined to be) and finish that paper... then if you have time before the party ends, GO! haha (:

I know everyone wasn't raised the same way, but my mom always told me-- "School work comes before anything else." From elementary through middle to high school and even now as a freshman in college, I still honor what she instilled in me.

In conclusion, my fellow "fowls" (lol) do what your supposed to and stay on top of your priorities. I guaranteed, mark my words, if you decide otherwise you will get behind and from what I was told-- it's difficult to catch up.

Later you guys,
- Ash

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9, 2009

I'm sitting here... with a pen in my hand... pondering on what I should write about... and I've got... NOTHING!

So... let's talk about you.. how was your Labor Day weekend? Mine went pretty well!

My mom made me a cheesecake. She's such a sweetheart, but how about I got some feedback from some of my friends and of course they told me to shorten it up, so that's what I'm gonna do! Keep everything brief and to the point, but feel free to ask me any questions... about anything!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Even though everyone's out for the holiday.. I just wanted to wish you all a safe and blessed Labor Day weekend, enjoy! (Check out my Boondocks comic, courtesy of Yahoo Comics)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where To Start? Oh Yeah, Move-In!

August 12, 2009 was the beginning of a frenzied day. Not only was it muggy and my hair began to sweat, but it began to drizzle! My intentions to look cute were ruined. I mean what’s the point in getting your hair done if it’s going to get rained on? The ladies know exactly where I’m coming from. Some of us are serious about our hair, lol. Overall, moving was a rather out of the ordinary experience. There were times when my mom, brother and I would be debating about who would carry what and what to put where. Regardless of our disagreements, I was grateful they were there to help me carry all of my things.


..Eagles! If you’re curious to know, my name is Ashley Alston and I’m from Zebulon, North Carolina. I graduated from Bunn High School in Bunn, NC June 18, 2009! It was such an exhilarating ceremony, being able to share the experience with my family, friends and walking across the stage to receive my diploma. Can you say awesome? :D

Anyway my decision to attend North Carolina Central was a spiritual one, because my aspiration since middle school was to enroll at NC State University. Unfortunately, when I didn’t receive acceptance, I was perplexed on where I wanted to continue my education. Approximately a couple weeks later, I gained admissions to Central! Filled with delight; I ran told my mom, everyone I knew and thanked God for answering my prayers.

Some hobbies of mine are reading, hanging out with my family and friends and just having a good time. Back at home I drive an 86 Chevrolet Truck (Custom Deluxe, above top right), I love pickles, adore meeting new people, and my passion is roller-skating.

I have the cutest thirteen year old brother named Royce, my mom is the star in my galaxy, and Jesus Christ is my Savior. Now that you know a small fraction about me, let me fill you in on all the juicy details about my experiences thus far.